WorldDAB urges radio stations to look their best in the car

WorldDAB is renewing the call for DAB broadcasters to make sure their station branding looks good in all car screens in the dashboard, by providing high quality “metadata” alongside the audio stream.

Metadata enables the visual information, text and graphics – such as the station name and logo, presenter, song title and album artwork – to be displayed while a station is playing. Stations produce the visuals which are essential for the car to make DAB radio stations look as good as they sound.

“We want radio station managers and technical teams to make sure their station is looking its best in the car,” said Patrick Hannon, President, WorldDAB. “With broadcast radio facing increased competition in the dashboard, it’s vitally important for broadcasters to supply the right metadata with their audio. This will ensure the logo and now playing information is provided, helping listeners to find their favourite stations and have the best possible in-car experience.”

The call comes with three weeks to go until WorldDAB’s annual Summit, where metadata and DAB radio in the car are key topics. Speakers at the Summit in London on 17 November include Gregor Pötzsch, Product Owner for Radio at CARIAD Volkswagen Group, and David Holroyd, Director of Technology at Global. The Summit will be hosted by UK technology journalist and broadcaster, Spencer Kelly.

WorldDAB offers resources to assist broadcasters, including explainer videos and an information sheet aimed at senior radio managers and technical teams, which gives information on:

  • The exact type of metadata the car industry requires
  • Why metadata is important for broadcasters and drivers today
  • How broadcasters can effectively provide metadata
  • Metadata requirements and other technical information

These are available on WorldDAB’s website at: