Selling Radio Direct with Pat Bryson
Just before COVID hit and made my passport irrelevant, I was attending a Radio Days Europe conference in Vienna. One of the many radio friends I’ve met doing my job (I SO like that about what I do), is a programmer for a radio station in Iceland. Siggi is a tall guy, and I’m sure his entire life has had trouble finding clothing that fit. He mentioned to my friend Evie and me over dinner (it’s not ALL work at these conferences) that he was going back through London to get a Bespoke suit.
And then later asked Evie, “What the ___ is a ‘Bespoke suit’?”
That’s why Google was invented. I looked it up. For those of you who might also be uninformed, let me explain. Instead of buying a suit off the rack or having a suite off the rack altered a bit to fit better, a Bespoke suit means that the tailor draws the suit pattern ON YOUR BODY. He doesn’t even alter a previous pattern. He creates a new pattern especially for you. And, guess what? It fits like a glove!
This got me to thinking. What we need to do today in 2023 selling, is to create Bespoke campaigns. We should draw a client’s pattern expressly off their needs and goals. We shouldn’t take a suit off the rack (re: package), or use a campaign we designed for another client. We should create one JUST for this client. When we do, it will fit like a glove. It will meet their needs and goals exactly. Their message can be used only for them.
Now, here’s the thing. Bespoke suits cost more, much more, than off-the-rack suits. But, patrons don’t care. They are willing to spend more because they get a product that is EXACTLY what they want and need. This is the answer to getting clients to give us larger budgets. It’s not about the money: it’s about getting a campaign that fits them exactly.
How do we get there? We spend time up front with clients doing an in-depth needs analysis. We understand their business. We understand the client. We become a member of their team. They view us as a necessary resource. Remember “relationship selling” from our last newsletter?
Today we are charged with selling more than radio commercials. We have multiple fabrics in our garment room. We have many ways to create exceptional campaigns that will raise revenue for our clients. This, in turn, will raise our revenue.
Ladies, in case this seems targeted for the gentlemen, have you seen “Mrs. Harris Goes To Paris”? If not, I recommend it with a box of popcorn and some tissues. It will answer the “Bespoke suit” for women.