The Antoinettes podcast brings together the poet and the journalist

New podcast The Antoinettes brings together two people who share a name but different lives. Antoinette Lattouf is an Australian broadcaster and journalist. Azzure Antoinette an American speaker and poet. Together the pair tackle the world’s biggest, and smallest, problems.

Launched by DM Podcasts, the company behind The Betoota Advocate Podcast and Chat10Looks3, The Antoinettes will provide debate, perspective, new ideas and a few digs too.

Antoinette Lattouf said:

“At first I was just thrilled to meet someone who shared the same 10 letter name as me because our name hasn’t been popular since 1880. But then I quickly learnt that Azure Antoinette also manages to find ways to laugh while discussing some of the most harrowing issues of our time. And crucially, she can seamlessly pivot from serious talking points to discussing Gwyneth Paltrow and Goop.”

“We want to show people how to disagree. I mean we do it so well, you should read our text message trails. They’re wild, hilarious and sometimes heated but always in good faith. Antoinette and I learn a lot from each other and we can’t wait for audiences to follow suit,” added Azure Antoinette.

“Sadly we will never run out of content, of issues big and small to cover. It really is a shit show out there, and we are totally here for it. Here to unpack it.”

Each week the Antoinettes choose a topical issue and unpack it through the old fashioned art of conversation. No issue is off the table and they promise they “won’t always break bread“.

The first episode is out today, with new episodes every Thursday and available wherever you get your podcasts.