The 3rd edition of Radiodays Asia has opened in KL: #RDA22

Anders Held (pictured) Project Director and founder of Radiodays has opened Radiodays Asia, welcoming around 300 attendees from 30 different countries who are attending this year.

This is the 3rd edition of Radiodays Asia and once again it is a hybrid event with a number of participants attending on-line as well as those who have opted to attend in person.

Speakers during the first session today have included the CEO Astra Radio MalaysiaKenny Ong who presented the keynote address Sound of the Future.

Kenny says that throughout Asia in particular, radio stations are just coming to grips with the audio battlefield that now exists, and those that are just coming into radio are finding the challenge very daunting.

He says that McDonalds may not make the best hamburger in the world, they sell the most burgers in the world which poses the question about how important the product really is for success.

Their success lies in the 2 C’s,

  • Consistency: They promise their burgers taste the same everywhere in the world
  • Convenience: They have the most 24 hours outlets in the world, were the first to begin serving breakfast at 3.00am in the middle of nowhere, they are ones with the most playgrounds, have the most drive throughs and the most efficient drive through in the world.

He says really knowing and understanding a stations audience is a priority.

Businesses like Starbucks are successful because they understand what their customers want, and not because they serve the best coffee, bur because they are “…the best halfway house in the world, where I can get free Wi-Fi and free electricity.”

Radio stations have to create the “why” for their listeners and also understand why their listeners tune in.

Kenny also urged radio stations to take a close look at the technology that is coming out of China.