Super Hi-Fi Partners With Orban For Transmitter-based Cloud Playout Appliance

Super Hi-Fi has announced a partnership with Orban to launch the OPTIMOD 5950: Super Hi-Fi Edition.

The product combines Super Hi-Fi’s AI-powered programming and HLS+ delivery technology into Orban’s audio processing designed to replace racks of playout equipment, audio processing, PPM encoding, and metadata servers in a single 1U rackspace, and represents the companies’ shared commitment to building a modern infrastructure and ecosystem for radio.

The processor is s designed to work seamlessly with Super Hi-Fi’s HLS+ radio streaming technology with accurate metadata, while offering interactive and personalized versions of those exact same broadcasts through mobile apps, smart speaker integrations and web clients. It uses the AI-powered utilizing programming, imaging, voice tracking and broadcast their stations from a web browser using Super Hi-Fi’s Program Director app distributing it to the transmitter and other digital endpoints using Super Hi-Fi’s HLS+ streaming technology, and play it out at the transmitter site via the processor.

Orban OPTIMOD 5950 - Super Hi-Fi EditionSuper Hi-FI CEO Zack Zalon says, “We believe that this partnership points the way for the future of radio delivery. As radio companies look to reduce the complexity of their ecosystem, they’re going to require fully integrated solutions that replace decades of legacy hardware. The new Optimod 5950: Super HI-Fi Edition is a big part of that equation. Orban has always represented the highest levels of quality and innovation, and we’re incredibly excited to be partnering with them on this breakthrough product.”

Orban President David Day adds, “We’re simplifying the tech stack for radio. No more automation systems, no more dedicated PCs, no more closets full of rack-mounted gear. Together with Super Hi-Fi, we’re building a 100% cloud-based system with reliable and robust playout – right at the transmitter site”.