Steve Shannon Retires As Inland Northwest Broadcasting OM; KZFN PD/Afternoon Host

Steve Shannon Z-Fun 106 KZFN Moscow Pullman Inland Northwest BroadcastingAfter moving from mornings to afternoons at Inland Northwest Broadcasting CHR “Z-Fun 106” KZFN Moscow ID/Pullman WA last summer, Steve Shannon has retired from his roles at the company that also included serving as cluster Operations Manager and Program Director of KZFN.

Shannon first came to the market in May 1978 as morning host and first moved across the hall as the first voice heard on KZFN in August 1985 where he would remain as morning host until 1996. Following a stint as Music Director at KJR-FM Seattle, Shannon returned to his “Rude Awakening” morning show at KZFN in 2004 and would soon rise to Program Director and then Operations Manager in 2019.

He wrote, “My decision to retire has everything to do with my family, especially my 91 year-old dad, so later this month I’m headed back east to Long Island, NY, to live with him and be closer to other family scattered across the northeast. Just like it should be, and especially as we get older, family comes first. I can’t even put into words how much I am going to miss my OTHER family, and that’s all of the people at ZFun 106 and Inland Northwest Broadcasting. I adore each and every one of them, and have no doubt about a bright future for all of them and the radio stations. I especially want to thank Gary Cummings who hired me (twice!) and General Manger Rob Prasil, who didn’t fire me! (Although, as a big mouth morning guy there may have been days…😂) Over the years Rob has been a good boss and I appreciate the trust he put in me as Operations Manger for the last 5.”