SPH Radio’s digital listenership grows in 2021

Singapore’s SPH Radio ended 2021 with growth in digital listenership though the Awedio app and station websites. Digital listenership grew by an average of 12.2% year-on-year1 according to data from Triton Digital, and downloads of Awedio grew by 9.1%, bringing the total downloads to 559,290 as of November 2021.

The GFK 2021 Singapore Audience Study shows that SPH Radio stations have higher engagement with its listeners as compared to the other radio stations as listeners rated highly on metrics like ‘visiting an event/advertisers website or social media page’ after hearing it on SPH Radio stations2. This is also in line with other supporting findings that SPH Radio listeners have a more positive opinion of the products or brands that are advertised and are more likely to talk to friends and family about what they heard or read3. The study was conducted with 3,000 individuals, aged 15 and above.

Kiss92 remains a favourite among students and young adults and commands one of the highest average weekday tune-in durations among all English stations with an average of 1.4 hours daily. Kiss92 is also the second most listened-to English station in the car4 on weekends. ONE FM 91.3 remains one of the most popular radio stations for the white-collar audience segment, with listeners citing the reason of ‘discovering new songs’ as their biggest reason to tune in5. This is testament to the unique playlist that is both familiar to the primary audience segment yet containing the occasional songs that are off the beaten track.

In a separate survey with more than 2,000 respondents by Milieu Insights, MONEY FM 89.3 remains the most influential radio station for the second year in a row with the highest rate of conversion to action among listeners6. The station is also the most well received by the audience segment of PMEBs (professionals, managers, executives and businessmen), followed secondly by undergraduates7. MONEY FM 89.3 listeners rated the station highly for the survey metrics of ‘news’, ‘topical discussions’ and ‘interview with experts’ which were much higher than industry average.

UFM 100.3, one of the two Chinese stations of SPH Radio, holds the highest average listenership among Chinese radio stations for listeners aged between 25 to 34 years old. On the other hand, 96.3 Hao FM has the highest average tune-in duration among all SPH Radio stations with 1.7 hours per day on weekdays and 1.9 hours on weekends8.

General Manager of SPH Radio, Sim Hong Huat said: “2021 was definitely a tough year with many changes both within and outside of the industry and I would like to thank all our listeners for tuning in to our programmes. I’m happy that our survey results reflect our growth and continued commitment to deliver relevant, engaging and empowering content to our listeners. I am confident that we will see our numbers grow in 2022 as we have a very exciting year planned for our audiences.” 

1 Jan to Nov 2020 and Jan to Nov 2021 (Source: Triton Digital)

2 Radio Engagement (Source: GFK 2021 Singapore Audience Study)

3 Media Engagement: Reaction to Ad among Radio Listeners(Source: GFK 2021 Singapore Audience Study)

4 Radio Listenership by Place of Listening (Source: GFK 2021 Singapore Audience Study)

5 ONEFM Reasons for Favourite Radio Station (Source: GFK 2021 Singapore Audience Study)

6 Milieu Radio Survey: Trends and Observations 2021

7 Radio Listeners by Profile of Listeners (Source: Source: GFK 2021 Singapore Audience Study)

8 Radio Listenership by Time Spent on Weekdays and Weekends (Source: GFK 2021 Singapore Audience Study)