Sierra Automated Systems takes its history of Audio over IP innovation to the next level with SAS Global Connect, a complete command and control structure for SAS and third-party broadcast devices living on local and wide-area networks.
SAS Global Connect acts as a software-based NOC for broadcasters to centrally manage entire network operations, and can interface with all components in a broadcast infrastructure from microphones to antennas.
It is available immediately in on-premises software and is currently testing containerised cloud software versions, providing customers with flexible deployment options based on operational preferences.
A producer in one location can manage simple and advanced remote operations with a single button press, from turning microphones and studio lights on and off to triggering automation systems and transmitter feeds.
Users can even originate programs across many locations, such as bringing syndicated programs to air for their scheduled slots across different cities.
At the same time, users can monitor the health and status of all devices on the network, and switch to redundant components as required.
Co-Owner and VP of Sierra Automated Systems, Al Salci, says, “Broadcasters continue to change the way they operate and diversify their services, from consolidating studios and business operations to implementing self-syndication and remote production strategies.
“Following decades of experience supporting local facilities and the backend systems architecture, we now take the important step of helping broadcasters support their primary audio delivery needs for both local and remote locations, and with a solution that makes it easy to operate, maintain and monitor all connected devices.”
SAS Global Connect is backwards-compatible with most legacy SAS consoles, routers, audio engines and hardware interface accessories, as well as all modern IP-enabled SAS products and is already rolling out for multiple customers.
Hyatt says, “We are now activating SAS Global Connect at nearly 40 locations, including studio facilities and transmitter sites.
“SAS Global Connect will be an integral component of our turnkey sales, design, installation and commissioning services for radio broadcasters. This is also a solution we anticipate taking global given that we can deploy the software in the cloud, and connect to a broadcaster’s cloud container in the sky to trigger commands and take control of any component, studio or facility anywhere.”