Devaweb is once again connecting radio stations with the North Pole each morning in December with a daily update from Santa Claus.
Santa’s Christmas Updates has Santa filling your listeners in on his plans during the lead-up to the big day.
Heard on stations around the world, the daily audio is 60 seconds long and can run on weekdays or weekends, or both.
Devaweb’s commercial manager Zoë Vernon told RadioToday: “This is the thirteenth time we’ve connected Santa with radio listeners worldwide, and every year it seems to pick up more momentum! I think it feels that bit more special, having picked up silver at The British Podcast Awards this year too!”
Santa’s Updates include a production kit of beds, intros and promo shells. They can run in any show, as a standalone promo feature, or even multiple times per day. Radio stations can get more information by emailing zoe@devaweb.co.uk
Have a listen below for more details.