Reporter dacked and cheeky fun for Bianca Dye at Freedom of Peach rally.

Broadcaster Bianca Dye had the crowd in hysterics at this morning’s ‘Freedom of Peach’ rally on the Gold Coast.

The former Sea FM brekky host was among those to brave a wet morning on the Goldy, to push back against a community leader’s recent comments against skimpy bikini bottoms.

The event at Broadbeach attracted dozens of women and men — including some wearing mankinis.

Bianca got right into the spirit of things, with her former Nova 969  newsreader Tim Davies getting his pants pulled down on live brekky TV.

Bianca apparently decided Tim was a little too overdressed for the occasion and decided to dack him during his live cross.

Local swimwear designer Rebecca Pask – who organised the event – says it was all about freedom of choice.

This story first appeared on Radio Today