On the occassion of World Radio Day, Radio Taiwan International (RTI) released the following statement:
World Radio Day is February 13 and this year’s theme is “Radio and Peace”. During times of war, radio has been an important tool to promote access to accurate news and information.
Due to the Ukraine War, Russia has blocked foreign and independent media from operating in Russia. In response, the BBC resumed its shortwave broadcasts so that people in Ukraine can access news and information, demonstrating the value of the medium. Radio Taiwan International, for its part, has increased its Russian language shortwave broadcasts to Ukraine by one hour. It has also started a Ukranian Facebook fan page to show its support as people in Ukraine fight for their freedom.
RTI’s Chairperson Cheryl Lai said: “Taiwan is constantly facing threats of the mind rather than of gunpowder, so we need to be on our guard. Rti continues its mission to broadcast the truth, foster dialogue and safeguard Taiwan’s values in order to build a foundation for peace.”
The United Nations has said that radio is a pillar to prevent conflicts and build peace. Radio programs can help people have deeper clarity and conversations about current affairs, which can help prevent misunderstandings and conflicts.
RTI is one of the world’s oldest radio stations in operations today and was established in 1928 by the Republic of China (ROC) government as the Central Broadcasting System (CBS) in Nanjing, China. It followed the ROC government from city to city during and after WWII, eventually coming to Taipei, Taiwan. It now broadcasts news, audio and video features about Taiwan in 18 languages.