Radio Nova has launched audience research on the return of live music, entertainment and gigs, and the continuing Covid safety concerns.
The station is promoting the survey across its schedule, via its social channels and via direct email to registered users of its Nova Listener Club.
The survey asks people their attitudes on issues such as restricting access to vaccinated people only, when they may feel comfortable attending a gig again and what they think of the continuing Covid restrictions.
Radio Nova’s Deputy Programme Director, Clint Drieberg, said: “Given the continued concerns around Covid and the gradual lifting of restrictions, we want to get the views of our listeners and the wider community on getting back to attending live music events and gigs.
“We have heard from many of our listeners that they want restrictions to be lifted immediately, but some have concerns about returning to live venues and feel restrictions of some form should continue.
“So we are getting to the bottom of it all by gathering all these views and opinions and will publish the findings for the industry to analyse and dissect.”
This story first appeared on Radio Today