Point-To-Point & Strategic Solutions Research Detail What Workers Want From Contesting, Marketing & Ratings Participation

Point-To-Point Marketing, an industry-leading audience development company, teamed up with Strategic Solutions Research, a full-service market research firm, to conduct audio usage research focused exclusively on U.S. workers. This national study of workers’ audio consumption, perceptions, expectations, and desires will be the first-ever of its kind.

The companies have partnered up in order to provide the audio industry greater insight into workers who are heavier users of audio and radio, and part of that collaboration will include a three-part webinar series titled “What Workers Want” conducted by Tim Bronsil, CEO of Point-To-Point, and Hal Rood, EVP/Partner of Strategic Solutions Research.

On Thursday, May 2, they will present the final webinar, titled “Contesting, Marketing, and a Profile of Likely Ratings Participants.” Some headlines:

1. 55% of workers would participate in the ratings process.

“The results are encouraging, but of course the method of participation is a key consideration,” Tim Bronsil, CEO of Point-To-Point and one of the authors of the “What Workers Want” research, commented. “The process of participating needs to be as easy and enjoyable as possible.”

“These ratings-likely participants also are more likely to value a radio station with entertaining hosts more than a playlist with no host,” Hal Rood, EVP/Partner of Strategic Solutions Research, who partnered with Point-To-Point on this study, noted. “It’s time for radio stations to make sure they have enough engaging content.”

2. Nearly eight out of ten workers who listen to radio are positive about contests on the radio. 

“This is the golden age of contesting.” Rood remarked. “There is gamification and gambling happening more than ever. Radio has always been good at contests to drive listening and attention, so this trend moves right into radio’s wheelhouse.”

“We’ve never seen enthusiasm for contests at this level ever,” said Bronsil. “Radio can and should ride this wave and drive more usage.”

3. Three out of four workers enjoy the social media content shared by on-air talent. Even the great majority of 18-to-24-year-old workers say they enjoy the content. 

“Radio hosts are doing a great job of sharing content and opinions that resonate with workers. The issue is listeners simply are not seeing posts frequently enough,” said Bronsil. “We’ll discuss that in more detail in Thursday’s webinar.” 

“We see multiple data points in the “What Workers Want” research that radio has faded from their view. They don’t see radio in social media enough or in advertising in general,” Rood explained. “They love radio, so radio has to get back out there and be more visible.”

Tim and Hal will do a dive deep into contesting and explore the ways radio can benefit in part three of “What Workers Want” on Thursday, May 2, 2024, at 2pm ET / 11am PT. Some other major research findings on contesting that will be revealed: 

  • We will provide a full profile of likely ratings participants.
  • Specifics about the best methods of entry and why they work will be shared.
  • And the jackpot—we’ll share the ideal cash prize amount.

Click below to sign up to attend the final “What Workers Want” webinar:

  • Thursday, May 2, 2024, 2pm ET | Part 3: Contesting, Marketing, and a Profile of Likely Ratings Participants
