Podcasting possibilities in India #RDA23

“Everything you say about India is true and also the opposite is true,” said Sreermaan Thiagarajan, CEO of aawaz.com, a podcast distribution company.

“So there is an audience for everything and this applies to podcasts.” 

“We control the distribution of Podcasts and guarantee they are ‘Mom safe,’” he said.

Thiagarajan has developed a framework that has been informed by the Indian audience data.

He begins by asking, Who are the listeners, and has broken them down into 4 segments:

  • The 1%ees are the Globalised Indians (10 million+)
  • The “Desi” who speaks English (110 mil+) is the regular guy you meet in the workplace
  • The “Desi” who speaks an Indian language only (500 mil+)
  • The rest (600 mil+) have limited or no internet

Podcast listeners follow popular actors in Indian podcasts and the podcast platforms they use.

He notes that YouTube is the real competition for podcasts as every age group watches content on Youtube.

The main topics of audience interest in India include: stories, spiritual, news and comedy.

The Content Framework for each audience segment is: 

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