McVay Media Enters Consulting Partnership With Remote News Service

Lesley Lotto’s Remote News Service has entered into a consulting partnership with Mike McVay’s McVay Media. McVay will work with the service to enhance its existing news products customized for affiliates.

Remote News Service (RNS) and McVay Media are excited to announce a consulting partnership for the news provider. RNS provides radio anchors and reporters for news and traffic content across America.
RNS offers in-depth and breaking news coverage, and targeted local content, customized for each
individual station.

Lesley Lotto, President of RNS, said “I had known of Mike peripherally for years. Then after sending one
of my promotions his way he responded. So, we Zoomed (as you do) and I found that we had a ton in
common. We think very much the same way, and he is kind. I had never really thought of working with a
consultant, but this just made sense, right now.”

McVay Media President Mike McVay said “I was very familiar with RNS and the company that Lesley had
built. I like what they do and what they offer. Given the economic situation that media finds itself in
today, the question has become how can we be cost effective without diminishing the quality of the
content? Remote News Service is the answer to that question.”

Remote News Service is a 24/7 solution for news coverage focused on national and local content.
For more information contact 917-283-1380 –