Join the Conversation: The Incredible NOW! Radio Success Story – Part II

Benztown and P1 Media Group will host a free webinar on Thursday, October 13, 2022, for radio professionals around the globe, entitled Join the Conversation: The Incredible NOW! Radio Success Story – Part II.

 The webinar will be hosted by Andreas Sannemann, CEO, Benztown, and Ken Benson, Partner, P1 Media Group, and features Mark Hunter, VP of Programming, NOW! Radio, and Ross Winters (pictured), Director of Programming, Pattison Media, Canada’s largest western-based media company. 

This is the 25th in the webinar series from top radio experts from around the world.

Mark Hunter started his radio career in 1985, when he was hired on his 19th birthday to work with Rawlco in Saskatchewan, in Saskatoon, Prince Albert and Regina.

He was on-air, producer, creative director, and News/Talk producer before he got his dream job as Program Director in 2000.

In 2009, Hunter was named Program Director of a new license in Edmonton, CKNO-FM, and eight months later, NOW! Radio was born. He programmed 102.3 NOW! Radio Edmonton for 10 years, driving huge ratings and billings success which continues today.

Hunter is currently a Senior Programmer for Pattison Media, working mostly in Metro markets including Calgary, Winnipeg, and British Columbia.

Ross Winters began his radio career as a DJ at a Top 40 radio station in Victoria, British Columbia. He quickly moved into programming and worked as Program Director at legendary Canadian Rock stations in Winnipeg, Vancouver, and Toronto.

While programming Rock 101 in Vancouver, Winters also served as National PD for Corus Entertainment, one of the largest groups in Canada. He spent time as a researcher and consultant before joining Pattison Media as Director of Programming in 2015.

In the 30-minute webinar, Hunter and Winters will continue the conversation with their unique take on programming successful radio stations today, and the power of doing things differently, including:

  • How a truly different type of radio station became a runaway success and what do they do differently than other radio stations?
  • NOW! Radio’s slogan is “Join the Conversation.” Are there any topics or conversations that are off-limits?
  • As a result of NOW! Radio’s long-term success, more Canadian music stations have increased the personality quotient. Is this a good thing for radio and what should Music Radio programmers know before increasing the personality quotient on their stations?
  • How has creative outdoor advertising worked to drive the success of NOW! Radio and what are some of their most successful campaigns?
  • Does this format only work in a Hot AC format, or could it be put in a completely different format?

The webinar will take place this Thursday, October 13, 2022, at 10:00am PST/1:00pm EST/7:00pm CET.