Jade Springart Rises To Beasley Detroit Director of Rock Programming

Jade Springart 94.7 WCSX 101.1 WRIF DetroitBeasley Media Group has promoted Jade Springart from Program Director of Rock 101.1 WRIF Detroit to Director of Rock Programming adding the same duties for Classic Rock 94.7 WCSX.

Springart has been with WRIF since 2007 rising through the ranks starting as a promotions intern. She was named APD/midday host in February 2020 and Program Director in August 2021. She will continue with the midday show on WRIF.

She succeeds Scott Jameson in programming WCSX after Jameson accepted a voluntary retirement offer during Beasley’s layoffs last month. He had served as cluster Operations Manager and Program Director of WCSX since July 2020.

Beasley Detroit VP/Market Manager Patti Taylor stated, “I am thrilled to be able to hand the 94.7 WCSX reigns over to someone as knowledgeable, capable and passionate as Jade. Her drive, along with her acute attention to all the right details, makes Jade the exact person we need to take the iconic WCSX through this time of evolution and growth. As Program Director of WRIF and now WCSX, I am excited to see what Jade has in store for Detroit’s rock fans!”

Beasley Media COO Brian Beasley added, “Jade is the perfect choice to lead our rock programming in the Motor City. Her commitment, dedication and drive for the rock format is exactly what we need to take both stations to the next level and beyond.”

Springart said, “I am honored to take on the role of program director for 94.7 WCSX. As a born and raised Detroiter, I grew up listening to 94.7 and can honestly say this station played a huge part in influencing my love for rock n’ roll (along with my mom who had this station on every morning while taking me to school). I’m excited to work with some of the best talent in the industry and continue the success of the brand and call I can’t thank the Beasley’s enough for their continued support and for entrusting me to guide both WRIF and WCSX!”