Jacobs Media To Release 6th Air Talent Survey At Morning Show Boot Camp

Jacobs Media AQ6The country’s only survey of air talent in commercial radio is now in the field. In collaboration with Don Anthony’s Morning Show Boot Camp, Jacobs Media’s AQ6 is seeking feedback among on-air personalities, shows, teams, and producers across the U.S.

While the radio broadcasting industry has been roiled by disruption, the role of radio air talent remains even more important to the success of radio’s companies and brands. This sixth study is the only one of its kind, tracking the talent mindset, their perceptions of careers, and how their jobs and lives are changing in a fluid media environment.

Last year, AQ5 began to explore their understanding and concerns about the impact of Artificial Intelligence on radio. In this new study, Jacobs Media will take a deep dive into how AI is being used at the station level, both in the studio and behind the scenes.

AQ6 will again examine talent relationships with their home companies, the progress of women on the air, what motivates talent and disheartens them, and how many personalities are starting their own companies to prepare for an uncertain future.

The true value of AQ6 lies in the demographic and lifestyle breakdowns. Once again, this confidential survey will include crosstabulations by market size, company type, daypart, along with a trended look at how many “hats” they’re wearing and their perceptions about the state of broadcast radio and the companies that employ them.

Jacobs Media’s sixth edition of this study will again cover the basics of being on the air – the excitement, aspirations, and disappointments. It will also help broadcast leadership better understand how air talent thinks, both on-the-air and in their personal lives. It will also measure how personalities are adapting to new technology, and how they perceive their changing roles.

As in past years, a summary of the findings will kick off Morning Show Boot Camp 36 in San Diego on August 8 by Jacobs Media President, Fred Jacobs.

“Radio continues to evolve, and so do the roles of air talent in big markets and smaller metros,” notes Fred Jacobs. “As always, AQ6 will include respondents who are morning drive stars for the biggest companies in radio, along with talent in small communities working for mom and pops. These are radio’s ambassadors, and understanding their changing mindset goes to the heart of radio broadcasting continuing its relevance in American media and entertainment.”

Don Anthony, host/creator of Morning Show Boot Camp and publisher of “Jockline Daily,” notes, “Being first to see the AQ results has become an annual tradition at Boot Camp, setting the tone for the entire conference. Our goal is to help talent better understand their opportunities as they continue to face an increasingly crowded media environment. We are excited to once again partner with Jacobs Media for this sixth study.”

AQ6 is an online study sent via email to both the “Jockline Daily” and Jacobs Media databases (and lots of word of mouth) and is open to the entire U.S. commercial radio industry. Last year, more than 500 on-air personalities and producers took part in the study. AQ6 is “live” now through Tuesday, July 23.

On-air talent in commercial radio in the U.S. can take the survey by clicking the link below. In addition, those now out of work in radio are encouraged to take the survey if they were on the air at any point post-COVID.


We also encourage broadcasters to forward the survey link to other on-air talent in their buildings or around the country.