Inovonics celebrates 7th anniversary of the RackPack

Inovonics announced the 7th anniversary of the RackPack, the bundled product concept that is popular with customers using Inovonics´ INOmini reduced-size products. INOmini products range from professional monitor/receivers to audio processors and other Toolbox solutions.

Few people know the back story of how the RackPack idea was born. It harkens back to a dinner at New York New York Hotel Casino in 2016. After a long day working the Inovonics booth at the NAB show, the Inovonics crew were dog tired but still energized about the activities of the day.

Inovonics was presenting a record 6 new INOmini models at NAB. At the show, customers were asking about special discounts on INOmini´s bundled together in the 19” Rack Kit. Great idea, but how do you maintain profit margins by giving away more discount? After much discussion, the Inovonics crew realized that if three INOmini models were pre-installed in the 19” Rack Kit, some of the extra parts could be eliminated to bring down materials costs. That would allow Inovonics to offer more discount.

Jackpot! The idea crystalized for a new product concept that would allow broadcasters the flexibility to choose a variety of the INOmini models and bundle three units into single 1U 19” Rack Kit. Inovonics would preinstall the INOmini´s and offer the bundles at a special discount to both the dealer and the broadcast end-user. A win-win for everyone!

But what to call this new bundle? Being in Las Vegas, the Inovonics crew toyed with the idea of naming it after the legendary Rat Pack of entertainers, with different models like the “Frank Sinatra Pack” or the Sammy Davis Jr Pack.” But in the end, practicality won out and they settled on the more straightforward but equally fitting “RackPack”.

Since then, the RackPack has become popular with broadcasters and has also led to new INOmini models to add to the Inovonics product portfolio. Inovonics even has a mascot – the INOmini Man. He helps promote the products and RackPack concept. INOmini Man has become the perfect ambassador for the RackPack and INOmini products.

 What´s a RackPack?  Today, the INOmini RackPack bundles allow customers to choose from a wide selection of INOmini or Half-Rack monitoring options and combine them for a customized solution at reduced cost. Fill the Rack Pack with three INOmini 1/3-rack sized units, two 1/2-rack sized units (such as NOVIA, SOFIA or 610), or any combination of one INOmini with one 1/2-rack size unit.  Units come fully mounted in a 1U 19” Rack Shelf with one Power Supply, Jumper Power Cables, and blanking panel when appropriate.