India’s Red FM launches Quiz India Movement

Indian network 93.5 RED FM, has launched a gaming concept on radio: the Quiz India Movement.

It aims to capture the essence of trivia, India’s knowledge and light-hearted fun. The first season of Quiz India Movement began on 2nd October and will run till 19th November.

Each season of Quiz India Movement is based on a certain theme. This year, Quiz India Movement by RED FM is giving cricket fans 49 days of rewards with a prize pool of Rs 2.1 million y answering questions on a dedicated microsite. The show is being hosted by cricket expert RJ Raunac.

Nisha Narayanan, Director & COO, RED FM, and Magic FM, said: “The campaign aims to blend the theatre of the mind element with a digital hook, setting it apart from other quiz shows. Quiz India Movement banks on the benefits of traditional radio and a new age platform social media to provide an enhanced audience experience. This year, the show has cricket as its theme, which acts as a fitting launch pad for season one, considering it is time for the World Cup.”