Selling Radio Direct with Pat Bryson
Our Credibility Matters
People don’t usually buy from people they don’t trust. They are also unlikely to buy from salespeople who have no credibility. When we ask clients for thousands of dollars, they need to feel we know how to get them a return on their investment. We must be seen as “experts”.
There are several ways we can establish our credibility. One of my top reps does this: She has an 81/2 by 11 sheet of paper with names and contact information for several of her clients. She has gotten permission from these clients to have prospects call them. These clients are SOLD on her and her stations.
After she does a client needs analysis, she hands the prospect her list and invites them to call her current clients. Much of the time, they do. When she returns with her proposal for them, they are already sold. Her satisfied clients do much of the selling for her. She just explains to her prospects what type of campaign she has brought for their business. This works magic!
Another way we can establish our credibility is to talk about the business of the business before we talk about the marketing of the business. Seek first to understand the needs and goals of this particular prospect. Here are some phrases that show we have prepared for our meeting:
“I was thinking about our meeting and I wrote down some questions. Might we go over them?”
“As I was reviewing my notes from our last meeting….”
“As I was preparing for our meeting today….”
As the old saying goes, “People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.”
First, we have to answer their “Why?”
Next, we answer “How?”
The outcome is higher revenue for our clients and for our stations.
Happy selling!