Digital station Go Radio in Glasgow has given away a brand new car worth £15,000.
Listener Hayley McArdle won the Nissan Acenta after identifying five mystery superstar voices saying the phrase ‘Go Radio We Love Glasgow’.
Four previous winners each got £500 by guessing one superstar correctly, with Hayley correctly guessing all five in the correct order on the Go Radio Breakfast Show with Crofty and Grado on Thursday to bag £500 and the car.
Go Radio Chief Executive Tracey McNellan said: “Glasgow and the West have embraced this competition and it’s been fantastic to work with the team at Macklin Motors Nissan to make the concept come to life and to give away such an incredible prize!”
General Manager of Macklin Motors Nissan Chris McKenzie added: “It’s been an exciting few months tuning into Go Radio’s Cash, Car, Superstars and we’ve loved every minute of it.
“Although, the suspense was killing us so we’re glad to finally have the answers. Thanks to everybody at Go Radio and here’s wishing Hayley many miles of enjoyment in her new car from everyone at Macklin Motors!”
The lucky winner said: “I can’t believe I have won a brand-new car. Thank you so much to the teams at Go Radio and Macklin Motors – I’m speechless!”