Frontier announces ASA certification for their DAB solutions

Frontier has announce that its DAB+ receiver solutions have passed the Automatic Safety Alert (ASA) certification, marking a key milestone to launching the safety system in 2025.

ASA is a new standard for safety that builds on top of the DAB+ standard and allows life-saving messages to be reliably broadcast to users. Germany is planning to be the first country to start DAB+ ASA broadcasting in 2025.

Combined with Digital Tick, the ASA certification ensures that DAB+ receivers are fully compliant with the broadcast standard and provides comfort that receivers will respond correctly and in a timely manner to emergency broadcasts.

Prem Rajalingham, Managing Director at Frontier said: “This is an important milestone in the global rollout of ASA . Brands can now create DAB receivers that support the standard and can pass the tests knowing that the core technology has been approved.”

Carsten Zorger of WorldDAB Germany said: “DAB+ is now able to save lives in emergencies, which is why certification of new devices is mandatory. Digitalradio Deutschland e.V., and WorldDAB, has developed a dedicated certification scheme for hardware manufacturers, ensuring compliance with ASA warning scenarios through rigorous testing. Frontier have been a key partner of this initiative and we are delighted that this certification milestone has been passed. We expect a range of receivers to enter the market in 2025 that are ASA certified and ready for the service launch in 2025.”