FCC Actions
Ploener Radio Group of Barnesville LLC has been issued a Notice of Violation for operating 104.9 W285FK Barnesville GA while parent station 1090 WBAF Barnesville was off the air. The FCC noted that on July 26, 2022 their enforcement agents caught that while WBAF is a Class D daytimer and the translator can originate programming when the AM is not operating at night, the translator was operating in the daytime while WBAF was off the air. A station agent claimed the following week that the location of operational logs for WBAF were unknown.
The FCC has rejected Doris Smith’s informal objection and approved the license renewal of Calvary Educational Broadcasting Network’s 89.5 KOKS Poplar Bluff MO on the condition that KOKS continues to comply by their 2020 consent decree. Smith failed to raise new objections but rather that the 2020 consent decree was “too little, too late” because they did not reimburse her for having to subscribe to a satellite television service due to the interference the station under previous management caused to her television reception and that there was nothing the FCC could do to guarantee a different manager in the future could increase power again.
The FCC has issued a Show Cause Order to the University of Rhode Island’s 90.3 WRIU Kingston RI to modify their license to allow Rhode Island Public Radio’s 90.7 WNPH Portsmouth (formerly WNPK) to relocate their short-spaced tower and increase the amount of interference it receives from WRIU via a Raleigh waiver. WNPH applied in 2021 to relocate off its former site following RIPR’s purchase of the station from Portsmouth Abbey School. The FCC decided that RIPR met the basic requirements for a Raleigh waiver as the proposed increase in service would heavily outweigh the potential for second-adjacent channel interference in a very small area. It also states that, “in this case WRIU’s original prohibited contour overlap received from WNPH was authorized in 1981, prior to Raleigh, and thus no condition was appended to the WRIU license, the reasoning set out in Raleigh and subsequent cases still applies. Although WRIU voluntarily sought and obtained a waiver to receive overlap from WNPH, and WNPH’s interfering contour was consequently encompassed by the expansion of WRIU’s protected contour. Therefore, for the reasons set forth in Raleigh, we decline to perpetually restrict WNPH to its original site.”
Pirate Actions
Sandra Flippo’s Thumper Properties LLC has been issued a Notice of Illegal Pirate Radio Broadcasting for a signal operating from their property on 100.7 in Tulsa OK.
Silent Notifications
- EDI Media’s 1370 KWRM Corona CA (Waiting for zoning and FAA approval of new tower application)
- Humboldt State University’s 103.3 KHSM McKinley CA (Power outage and loss of 3G cellular network)
- High Plains Radio Network’s 1450 KVBV Buena Vista CO (Loss of tower site)
- Kol Halev 2020 Corporation’s 90.3 WBGY Naples FL (Tower and antenna damage)
- Road Map Ministries’ 90.7 WZIV Princeton IL (Tower lost power from car accident)
- Saga Communications’ 1240 WHMQ Greenfield MA (Antenna Tuning Unit malfunction)
- Wendolynn Tellez’ 103.3 KSAG Pearsall TX (Loss of transmitter site)
- Spokane Public Radio’s 90.3 KPBG Oroville WA (Damage to 88.5 KOMQ Omak tower which feeds programming to KPBG)
AM Changes
Cantico Nuevo Ministry applies to relocate 1580 WNYG Patchogue NY