FCC Authorizes Use Of FM Boosters To Originate Original Programming

The FCC has approved Geo Broadcast Solutions proposal to allow FM Boosters to originate original content.

A booster of a full-powered FM or LPFM may originate up to three minutes of programming per hour. The time can not be aggregated to be used in a larger lump sum.

New booster applications will not be granted if the grant will result in interference to the reception of a regular used, off-the-air signal of any co-channel, first, second, or third adjacent station including previously authorized secondary services such as a translator or LPFM within the 45 dBu contour of the infringed station.

Each booster originating programming will need to file an FM Booster Program Origination Notification form in LMS within 15 days before starting or within 30 days or terminating origination.

No station will be allowed more than 25 program originating boosters and each station will be required to maintain a separate Political File for each booster in their online public file,

The full rule-making can be read here.