DRM at BES Expo India

DRM had a bigger presence at the 27th annual Broadcast Engineering Society (BES) Expo held at New Delhi, India, from February 16 to 18.

The Broadcast Engineering Society (India) was established in 1987 to promote the advancement and dissemination of knowledge & practices of broadcasting in the field of Radio, Television and other media; and to enhance the knowledge of broadcast engineering professionals.

The theme for the conference this year was Next-Gen Broadcasting: Create, Connect & Capitalise. With more than 1,000 delegates, speakers and panelists from India and abroad, the conference, rated as the biggest in Asia, is an ideal forum to know the direction broadcasting in India is going to take in years to come.

Following the inaugural session, the Secretary of the Indian Ministry of Information & Broadcasting, Apurva Chandra, visited the DRM display and was particularly interested in the various DRM receivers being presented.

Visitors to the DRM booth were especially attracted by the new in-car receiver for both DRM in the AM and FM bands, the after-market car receiver on display in the DRM booth, as well as by a new DRM chipset module costing approximately $10 when ordered in bulk.

Multi-channel transmissions were made from a local transmitter, which demonstrated the Emergency Warning Functionality (EWF) in the receivers displayed on the stand. This attracted the attention of many visitors and VIPs alike.

DRM also featured in the BES 2023 conference programme on the first and third days. Many discussions revolved around the topic of relative transmitter energy efficiency when switching between analogue and DRM modes.