Disaster safety net for your playout system #RDA23

Imagine all the songs disappearing from your playout system before your very eyes while you are on air.

This was the situation for one of RCS’ clients a few years ago when the radio station was hacked.

It prompted RCS to invent a cloud based backup and recovery system for its clients so that they could stay on air, even if their computer infrastructure was compromised, then recover quickly once systems were restored.

At Radiodays Asia, RCS President and CEO Philippe Generali described the system that protects stations from natural disasters, hackers and viruses taking down IT infrastructure.

RCS Disaster Recovery is a safety net that gets broadcasters back on-air, easily, efficiently and quickly.

It runs in the background, sending all of a station’s audio, metadata, schedules and SQL backups to the cloud, allowing real time backup playout and giving stations time to recover. Voicetracks can be done remotely during the disaster phase and, when the station’s own systems are restored then all the old logs and whatever was played during the local outage can all be put back to the station’s own systems.

“With the cloud, your station can stay on air and fix its systems… It’s better than having a redundant hardware system on site, which can also be infected during a hack,” he told Radiodays conference delegates.

Disclosure: RCA is a radioinfo advertiser.