Cool FM is launching an online radio service for anyone taking part in this year’s Deep RiverRock Belfast City Marathon.
“Cool Workout” will be running in conjunction with the event and is the first spinoff station to be launched by Cool FM in its 30-year history.
David Tighe, Managing Director of Bauer Media/Cool FM said: “Our pop-up station brings a new dimension to our partnership with Belfast City Marathon, offering the soundtrack to a healthy training regime.
“We’re delighted to provide easy access to the music and tips which will help the people of Northern Ireland keep fit, active and motivated on the final stage of their marathon journey.”
Claire O’Neill, Events Manager for Deep River Rock Belfast City Marathon added: “It will be a great motivational force for all our participants, volunteers and supporters as they countdown to race day on Sunday 3 October.”
Photo: Claire O’Neill, Event Manager of Deep RiverRock Belfast City Marathon joins Cool FM’s Breakfast team – Paulo Ross, Pete Snodden and Rebecca McKinney.