CNA Singapore launches new podcasts, radio on-demand

Singapore’s Channel News Asia has launched a new digital audio strategy that involves live radio, original podcasts and repurposed audio content from some of CNA’s award-winning TV programmes.

According to Crispina Robert, Senior Editor, CNA Podcasts, over the last 23 years, the CNA brand has undergone significant changes. Part of this evolution has been in radio. CNA938 began life in 1998 as NewsRadio 938 and in 2019, was rebranded as CNA938 and made available on mobile and online to cater to changing consumption patterns.

Over the last two years, its signature news podcast, Heart of the Matter, saw steady growth in listenership – peaking during COVID-19, as audiences sought out expert perspectives on a fast-moving virus.

In the recently released Reuters Digital Report 2022, Singapore stands out as the only Asian country in the top 10 in a graph detailing the proportion of people who used a podcast. The report also indicates how technology is a big driver – new voice interfaces, smart speakers, in-car entertainment systems are all making it easier for people to ask Siri or Alexa to play their audio content.

CAN Podcasts will now offer more choice with many new shows including a new personal finance pod called Money Talks. Adrian Tan and Crispina Robert navigate the issues around work and career in their podcast Work It.

It also leverages on the best of CNA’s Radio and TV journalism. There’s content for book lovers, on health matters and all the news bulletins to start and end your day with. CNA Insider’s excellent journalism is also available in audio. CNA Correspondent is now available as a podcast – where hosts go behind the scenes to see how our journalists cover stories that matter to Asia

According to Robert: “In a world grappling with disinformation, credible news content is critical in our overall understanding of the issues that affect us. But beyond that, the wonderful thing about good audio content is the feeling that you are a fly on the wall, listening in on an interesting dinner conversation.”