Changes at RCS

Former top rating 2Day FM Drive presenter Keith Williams has been bumped further up the totem pole at RCS and named Senior Vice President  Asia Pacific. He has been with the company for 23 years, mostly based in Sydney, more recently in Bangkok.

William’s promotion comes on the heels of the decision by Mike Powell (below) to retire after 21 years with RCS.

Before joining the company, British-born Powell was the first CEO of UKRD Group Ltd., which included such stations as Pirate, Star and Eagle and many more.

Before that, he was CEO of the County Sound Radio Network.

RCS President and CEO, Philippe Generali, told staff: “Mike has led the international division of our business into what it is today: an incredible success story by which all others in our industry are measured.”

Powell commented: “RCS is a remarkable company that continues to maintain its pioneering and innovative reputation through great teamwork and legendary service.”

He added: “I’ve been lucky to enjoy a ten-year career in newspaper journalism, a 20-year career in radio station programming and management, and a 21-year career in broadcast software. I am humbled and very proud of the teams I’ve worked with at RCS.”

Photos: supplied