The Caribbean Broadcasting Union has become an institutional associate member of the Digital Radio Mondiale Consortium.
Over the years, the two organisations have shared a collegial relationship, as conveyed by Sonia Gill, CBU Secretary General: “A mutually beneficial partnership has been demonstrated during DRM’s participation in CBU Annual General Assemblies where Consortium members lent their expertise in updating Caribbean media houses about developments in digital radio.”
Ruxandra Obreja, DRM Chairman, is encouraged to see a stronger relationship with Caribbean broadcasters: “interested in the general benefits of digital radio DRM and its potential for emergency warning and distance education, as already shared with some CBU members”.
As underlined by the CBU Secretary General: “The CBU looks now forward to welcoming DRM once again and inviting it to engage with its members when the Union meets for the first time in person since 2019 at the 53rd AGA taking place in Trinidad and Tobago from August 15 to 17.”