Big Al Coleman To Retire From ESPN 106.1 Richmond

Al Coleman ESPN 106.1 RichmondMorning host ‘Big Al’ Coleman will retire from SummitMedia Sports “ESPN 106.1” W291CL/WURV-HD2 Richmond VA on Wednesday, February 26.

Coleman, who has been hosting Sports talk in Richmond for the past 33 years, began his career as a stockbroker who brokered time on 910 WRNL in 1992. He would later spend time at the former “ESPN 950” WXGI before joining W291CL in 2018. He also serves in a sales role at SummitMedia Richmond.

Coleman told The Richmonder, ““It’s time for me to move on … plain and simple. Why? Because I want to retire. I’ll be 70 in March. It’s time to let the young guys take over.”