Beasley Media Appoints Kyra Ringer As Boston Chief Engineer

Beasley Media has appointed Kyra Ringer as Chief Engineer for their Boston properties.

Ringer has most recently been operating a contract engineering business based in New Hampshire. She previously has been Chief Engineer of Cumulus Media’s properties in Fort Walton Beach and Pensacola FL and has been an assistant engineer for Hubbard Radio and Salem Radio Network in Washington DC.

Serving under Beasley Boston Director of Engineering and IT Dennis Knudsen, Ringer will be responsible for transmitter and studio maintenance, troubleshooting and repairs of the market’s RF systems, and maintaining their Wheatstone systems.

“Kyra brings deep radio engineering expertise and a can-do attitude to complete our Boston Engineering and IT team,” said Mary Menna, Vice President & Market Manager of Beasley Boston. “We are thrilled to have her.”

Ringer states, “Having been raised in studios and transmitter sites, I feel that broadcast engineering is in my DNA. My father has been a broadcast engineer for more than 40 years and has taught me most of what I know. I credit him with instilling an unwavering work ethic in me as I watched him work tirelessly through my childhood years. I have been working in radio for more than 25 years and love every aspect of what I do.”

Knudsen adds, “Kyra brings a refreshing blend of innovation and expertise to the Boston engineering team. We are all excited to have her on board.”