
The Hidden Power of Advertising to feature at Radiocentre event

Robert Heath, author of the seminal book “The Hidden Power of Advertising” will feature at an upcoming Radiocentre Ireland event.
Sounding Out 2024, which takes place on Thursday, the 10th of October, is happening in The Round Room at The Mansion House Dublin from 8.30am till 1pm.
Robert will talk about why the move towards attention measurement is a big mistake. You will also hear insights on the attention debate from renowned strategist Craig Mawdsley (Founding Partner Craig + Bridget). There will also be a focus on effectiveness where you will hear from Bridget Angear (Craig + Bridget) and Andrew Tindall, System1 about new frontiers of effectiveness thinking based on insights from IPA and Effies case studies. ‍
Ralph van Dijk will show why brands which define their audio strategy, both media and creative, enjoy strong business outcomes.
This event will also feature a new research study, commissioned by Radiocentre Ireland which reveals insights on the role audio plays in driving mental availability.
Register for your place and see more details here. […]


Top 10 Amazing AI tools and innovations: Mike Russell #RadioDaysAsia

“AI is here to augment us, help us and, at the moment, not to replace us”, said Mike Russell founder of Creator Magic at RadioDays Asia.Here is his selection and explanation of the best tools to use:1. Parrot App
AI celebrity app, useful if you’d like Joe Rogan or Tom Cruise to make an appearance.
2. Adobe Enhance
Takes recorded audio and makes it sound better. Use any microphone and have studio quality sound.
3. ChatGPT
Useful in finding sales and marketing leads, for example, download a list of conference attendees, get ChatGPT to find the best prospects
ask it to find relevant exhibitors in a large conference
it gives reasons to connect with exhibitors
4. Perplexity
Useful in news and identifying trends
Will find sources and attribute sources
Click on one story and ‘ask for follow up’ and you’ll get more stories.
Ask to make this into easy bullet points summary for a radio host.
5. Elevenlabs
Voice clone and voice changer
Speech to speech feature
Note that it can’t translate an accent so Mike’s tip is to use text to text speech to get a specific accent.
Useful when creating an automated voice podcast
6. UVR
Voice remover
Upload a file and run conversion
Gives a seamless, vocal track, with background music and splitting. Spits out a bunch of different stems.
7. Auphonic
For post production use
Your AI sound engineer for radio – all in one hit
Does noise gating
Has presets
8. Playphrase
Searches and presents movies quotes
9. Midjourney
Set a scene where, what, who? a garden,
Use flags in your prompt
Sample prompt: powerful wizard standing inside a circle of standing stones.
10. Face fusion
Face swap for thumbnails.
Mike answered a question regarding the responsibilities of AI users for copyright compliance. He suggested using ‘commercially safe AI tools’ such as Replica.When asked if there is any way an on air personality could ensure their voice was safe from being replicated, he answered that he wasn’t aware of a way you could protect yourself when your voice and images are out in public. […]


I’m winning when I have their attention: The Big Discussion #RadioDaysAsia

Strategy, technology, innovation and monetisation were the four main topics on the agenda in the RadioDays Asia Big Discussion session when radioinfo’s Steve Ahern led the conversation with Abe Thomas and Jake Abdullah.Abe Thomas, CEO of BIG FM and Jake Abdullah, fomer Astro CEO and now advisor to Media Prima Audio, shared their views on the four industry pillars in the fast changing media landscape across Asia. “One way we encourage innovation in our organisation is by focusing on an Innovation of the Month,” said Abe. “Recently we trialled using Dhun to create and produce a song for friendship day. The key learning was the importance of using prompting to get the desired product.”“Innovation is key in Media Prima,” said Jake. “We are the first to initiate an AI D.J. We need to look at AI from the macro side not just the audio… AI will replace people who don’t know AI.”Steve urged delegates to “embrace the technology, understand and know how to use new innovations such as AI.”Jake, who is also an executive coach, responded, “as a coach for CEO’s I begin my day at 5am and I work without digital devices until 6.30 am, but I also maintain a good online profile. I’m enjoying building a following and having the opportunity to persuade and improve someone’s life.”“There’s talk about advertising money decreasing”, said Steve. “Is monetization more difficult at the moment?”Abe said listenership is growing but advertisers have more choices where to spend their money. “Radio is growing every year. Radio is a medium that seamlessly integrates and amplifies other mediums. Radio is now in the age of personalisation, we must communicate that message to retain advertising.”Abe also suggested tapping into the trends for influencer marketing, satisfing the demand for micro-level activations and harnessing digital assets such as social media, commerce and gameification.“Attention is currency. We’re all fighting for the same attention, 94% of all Malaysian’s are connected.“TiKToc is the fastest growing social media, AI influencers are now in the market… We have to think about the requirements of advertisers to be integrated,” said Jake.Steve asked about changing media buying trends. Abe said, “We shouldn’t sell only radio or only digital, we must sell ideas that come from and include audio and digital, then advertisers will be convinced.”“Big influencers are making money on social media. Do we want them in radio? asked Steve.Abe said his station, Big FM in India, has now developed new deals with the talent that recognise what they bring to the station and share revenue appropriately. Jake said influencers are important but it depends on their credibility because people are now becoming more skeptical of influencers.  “Micro influencers are dependent on how credible they are.”Commenting on trusted personalities Jake said there are different levels of trust in Malaysia. “In rural areas, public broadcaster personalities have an advantage.”“Brands that have a well articulated purpose are trusted… Influencer marketing is about content not followers,” said Abe.“If trust is eroded, what do we have to offer in this sea of misinformation?” asked Steve.The pair agreed that regulations and compliance are an important part of trust. The radio industry has long ago worked out how to meet its social obligations. “We don’t discuss politics and religion on radio in Malaysia, but unregulated podcasts can discuss anything. Whatever you like to consume a podcast will give it to you.”Talking big picture strategy, Abe said: “For great execution you need a great culture in the business… every individual needs to be aligned with what we have to do.”the strategy for media companies must be focused on audience attention, according to Jake. “I’m always competing for your attention. What are your triggers? For example empathy, can I harness that to keep you listening or watching longer… I’m winning when I have their attention.”  […]


Exhibitors at RadioDays Asia show off playout and production products

Over three days in Kuala Lumpur, RadioDays Asia 2024 showcased the latest technology and ideas for the radio, podcast and audio industries.radioinfo spoke to some of the exhibitors and companies at the annual Asian conference.Capital of Media, a Dutch audio agency, was represented at Radiodays Asia by Dave Albers. He explains what Capital of Media has to offer.[embedded content] […]


Sabrina Carpenter gets another ‘Taste’ of the Top 40 – AirCheck

By Peter Tuskan of AirCheck Australia / RCS
Chart Highlights –– 5 September 2024
• Top Debut: ‘Taste’ by Sabrina Carpenter starts at #19
• Heating Up: SCA’s…
The post Sabrina Carpenter gets another ‘Taste’ of the Top 40 – AirCheck by RadioToday Network appeared first on Radio Today. […]