As Battle With Cumulus Continues, Bongino Placed In Best-Of On Radio While Continuing Podcast

The internal battle between Cumulus Media and their Westwood One syndicated 12-3pm Conservative Talk host Dan Bongino has taken another turn this week as the company has placed his radio show in best-of mode, while Bongino continues to host it for his other platforms.

Bongino last week attacked Cumulus for its COVID-19 vaccine mandate stating, “Cumulus is going to have to make a decision with me if they want to continue this partnership or they don’t. But I’m talking to you on their airwaves. They don’t have to let that happen. You have a choice. I work with you. I do not work for you; I never will. You may have had other people in a corner, but you don’t have me.” He has continued to do so daily on his shows.

With Bongino’s radio show running replays this week, Westwood One told affiliates, “Dan has not taken significant time off since launching the show and is taking a well-deserved vacation.” However Bongino has continued with his podcast and various video streams in which he told listeners, “This fight has been wearing me down but its not wearing me out. But do I need your help. There are other people out there that work with Cumulus and elsewhere, I can’t do this alone.” He continued, “We could’ve done some special things here especially with that radio show, but I’m not giving up this fight. I’m working on some possible avenues now. It’s not easy. They’re making it very difficult for a lot of us.” He ends the segment with a clue about what this whole battle may really be about. “If you trust your content don’t ever sign long term deals with anyone. They may have a victory over you, what they perceive to be a victory, but I promise you its pyrrhic. Some people need to find that out the hard way.”

INSTANT INSIGHT: Those comments make it seem that Bongino has realized he is on the losing end of this battle. Most of the lawsuits challenging the validity of the mandates have so far been denied. But Bongino’s comments regarding his regret over signing a long-term contract spotlights what may really be in play here. Multiple sources indicate that Bongino does not enjoy hosting a three hour daily show and had been looking for ways to cut back to the hour long length of his podcast and video shows with no success. He can’t quit as Cumulus likely would keep him under contract preventing Bongino to work anywhere else in radio leaving this battle as a way to try to force Cumulus to let him out of his contract.