Are People Listening to More Radio? That’s “What Workers Want”

Listeners perceive themselves as listening more to local radio today than prior to the COVID-19 pandemic.

That encouraging news is just one of the findings scheduled for the first of three research presentations on “What Workers Want.” The study, conducted by Point-To-Point Marketing and Strategic Solutions Research will be unveiled in a series of three webinars beginning Thursday, April 11, at 2 p.m. ET.

In a preview of other findings from this Thursday’s Part I webinar on commuting and what drives engagement to radio:

  • Despite a proliferation of choices, radio’s ease of use is one of the chief reasons that respondents believe they are using radio more than pre-COVID.
  • Radio’s usage is being driven by full-time workers who commute. Local radio still wins 2:1 among full-time workers. Also, in the car, radio wins over DSPs like Spotify 3:1. But broadcast radio is losing 2:1 at home.
  • One out of four workers who are likely ratings participants say that contesting would motivate them to listen to more local radio.

Other topics to be covered in the series of webinars include devices and headphone usage, marketing to and contesting for today’s audiences, local radio’s advantages, social media marketing, and more. 

The findings will be presented by Point-To-Point CEO Tim Bronsil and Strategic Solutions Research EVP/partner Hal Rood. Thursday’s opening seminar will be followed by:

  • “The Workday and Headphone Usage,” Tuesday, April 23, 2 p.m. ET;
  • “Contesting, Marketing, and a Profile of Likely Ratings Participants,” Thursday, May 2, 2 p.m. ET

Sign up for the “What Workers Want” webinar series here.