Anna Gomez Nominated To Vacant FCC Chair

FCC Seal 2020 Federal Communications CommissionPresident Biden has announced the nomination of Anna Gomez to fill the vacant fifth seat on the Federal Communications Commission.

Gomez currently serves as an an advisor for international information and communications policy in the Bureau of Cyberspace and Digital Policy. She previously spent 12 years in various roles at the FCC and as deputy administrator for the National Telecommunications and Information Administration.

Biden has also renominated Geoffrey Starks and Brendan Carr to serve additional five-year terms as FCC Commissioners.

Federal Communications Commission Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel issued the following statement today following President Biden’s announcement that he intends to nominate Anna Gomez to serve as FCC Commissioner and to re-nominate Geoffrey Starks and Brendan Carr to serve additional five-year terms as FCC Commissioners:

“I congratulate Anna Gomez on her nomination to serve as FCC Commissioner. She brings with her a wealth of telecommunications experience, a substantial record of public service, and a history of working to ensure the U.S. stays on the cutting edge of keeping us all connected. I wish her all the best during the confirmation process.

“I also want to congratulate Brendan on his re-nomination. From improving network resiliency in light of destructive hurricanes to keeping our networks safe in the face of evolving threats, the FCC has benefitted from his public service.

“In addition, I want to congratulate Geoffrey on his re-nomination. He has been a consistent advocate for expanding the reach of communications and the opportunities of the digital age to all. I especially want to thank him for his leadership on the creation of the Affordable Connectivity Program’s federal housing outreach effort. I value his partnership on this program and so many others.

“I look forward to working with a full complement of FCC Commissioners to advance our mission to connect everyone, everywhere.”