Afghanistan: Taliban allows Radio Nasim to resume broadcasting after five months

According to an update by the Afghanistan Journalists Center (AFJC), the Taliban has allowed Radio Nasim to resume broadcasting in Daikundi province after a five-month suspension.

It had remained shut since September 27, 2023, when members of the Daikundi Intelligence Department raided the station’s office, confiscating equipment and detaining its head, Sultan Ali Jawadi, and two journalists. Although the journalists were released later that day, the head of the radio station faced charges and was sentenced to one year imprisonment for “propaganda against the Taliban” and “spying for foreign and infidel countries.”

Najiba Wahedi, the lawyer representing the owner of Nasim Radio, confirmed that the radio station resumed broadcasting overseen by a committee comprised of local authorities, including the head of information and culture, a representative from the provincial government, and an intelligence representative, oversaw the reopening.

Wahedi stated: We were required to nominate a new chief editor. Following the official introduction of the new editor and a commitment to abide by the Taliban’s media guidelines, the radio was granted permission to restart its operations.”

Mustafa Saleh, the head of information and culture in Daikundi, has confirmed that the radio station’s door was unsealed and operations have resumed following directives from the Ministry of Information and Culture.

The new chief editor has verbally agreed to comply with Sharia law and the Taliban’s media policy and will sign a formal agreement to this effect.

AFJC has urged the Taliban to immediately and unconditionally release the imprisoned head of the station.

Photo: AFJC