Adelaide’s Mix102.3 plays ultimate matchmaker on Valentine’s Day

For Valentine’s Day, Mix102.3 has played the ultimate matchmaker, giving two lucky Adelaideans the chance to meet their soulmate, have their dream date, and win $500 cash.

Max Burford and Ali Clarke of Max & Ali in the Morning welcomed an Adelaide man and woman into the studio yesterday to share a blindfolded, passionate kiss on air.

This morning, their bachelor joined them on the Mix102.3 Giant Wheel in Glenelg for a live broadcast, where he was joined by 24 women, including his Cinderella from the morning before.

He then jumped into each gondola, sharing a kiss with every woman in the hope of identifying the special lady that he met in the studio.

The bachelor identified Nicole as his Cinderella and guessed correctly, resulting in the happy couple winning the ultimate romantic Valentine’s Day experience for two and $500 cash to take home.

Listeners are encouraged to tune in tomorrow to find out whether they spent the night together and if they have, in fact, found true love.