30 ideas in 40 minutes at #RadiodaysAsia

One of the most popular sessions of every Radiodays conference is the 30 Ideas session.

It’s  a quick summary of the top ideas from some key conference sessions.

These are the 30 ideas from 2024:

Yumie Yoshiba – NHK

1. Identity – Radio is identity.

2. Offensive – This is time to be more offensive

3. Useful, Interesting and Fun – Work on the fundamentals as the main key points of radio

4. Be a good partner with AI

5. Cross over – Whatever platform you on we can find a way to collaborate for creating.

Chris Marsh from SCA Australia’s Hamish and Andy Show

  1. Preparation is most important: Follow Hamish and Andy’s success formula that 70% of your time is spent on prep. In meetings, talk about content first, save the business for second, then do the fun stuff last.
  2. Team is so important: Half of the work is on the team, the other half is on the content. Spend enough time on building and maintaining your team.
  3. Authenticity – Don’t rehearse too much, allow for spontaneity in your on air content. Hold each other up in the spontaneous moments, don’t kill the content or the momentum of your on air partner, take it forward.
  4. Respect your audience – Make them fell like they’re in your club, build unique experiences for your audience.
  5. Quality over quantity – Know the shelf life of your content. Not everything makes it to air, dump anything that is too old or not up to standard.

Harry Locke, Public Media Alliance

  1. Go local and love the small numbers. If your content is having an impact small numbers might not be the only measure of success.
  2. Obsess over good audio
  3. Collaboration – do cross promos across podcast shows, collaborate with other areas, for example public libraries as they do in Canada.
  4. Accessibility – AI may help radio reach people who might not normally have accessed radio, for example speech to text for sight impaired people.
  5. Put ‘responsible’ before AI.

Emily Kwong NPR Host of Short Wave + Inheriting

What is the oldest technology powering everything you do? Your brain.

1. Get enough sleep

2. It’s okay to sleep late

3. Your only as good as your last byline (Katherine X Lewis

4. Show your sources your story

5. Plan for nonsense

Wade Kingsley, Creative Coash

  1. Bring people together, like Taylor Swift. Don’t think ‘audience’ like one to many, think one to one and create a community of those people.
  2. Make mistakes on purpose like Thomas Edison – try things that may not work but will lead you to learn something. Creativity doesn’t follow a rule book.
  3. Create your own flow like Billy Ilish
  4. Make it funnier – keep trying to make it funnier don’t just stop at the first funny line
  5. Surf any wave you can – try anything.

Mike Russell: Embrace the future of audio creation

1. Dream big and embrace AI tools

2. Embrace AI for Automate repetitive tasks

3.  Personalise listener experience for you in radio and podcasting

4. Go and brainstorm with AI, (download pie.ai to organise your thoughts)

5. Consider AI ethics