Podcast Day Asia sessions you must attend

Podcast Day Asia (PDA) takes place on Tuesday, September 5, and is part of Radiodays Asia (RDA), which takes place 2-4 September in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Here are some the must attend sessions at PDA 2024:

Future of Podcasting – What’s next?

In this panel we look at where the future might take us. Podcasting is only 21 years old – so what will the future be, now we’re entering into adulthood? What is the future of RSS, and are the download’s days numbered? And where next for podcast measurement. Join James Cridland, Editor of Podnews, and a panel to prepare us for what’s next.

Monetisation and more

How does your podcast make money? In this session, our speakers will look at monetisation options for your podcast: from ad sales and networks, to sponsorships, subscriptions, and other ways of earning revenue. Hear from the biggest global podcast publisher on tips and tricks to make your podcast more revenue.

You can register for the whole three-day Radiodays Asia conference, or you can register just for Podcast Day Asia.