Commercial Radio Malaysia re-elects Nazri Noran as President

Commercial Radio Malaysia has re-elected Media Prima Audio Chief Executive Officer Nazri Noran as President.

The announcement was made at its 27th Annual General Meeting recently. Nazri was appointed as CRM President in July last year.

The meeting also appointed c Chief Executive Officer Ahmed Faris Amir as Vice President, Rizal Sahimy, General Manager, Suara Johor Sdn Bhd as Honorary Secretary and Maslina Alias, News Manager, Institut Kefahaman Islam Malaysia as Honorary Treasurer.

Nazri said he was honoured to be re-elected as president and would focus on enhancing the relatability and relevance of radio despite the challenging times for traditional media.

“Together, we will innovate and engage our audiences, ensuring radio remains a vital part of the media landscape,” said Nazri.

Vice President Faris Amir said: “Collectively, we’ll strive to continue on driving innovation and growth, towards enriching the broadcasting landscape in Malaysia.”

Photo: CRM