RTP’s Nicolau Santos to give opening keynote at Radiodays Europe

Nicolau Santos, President of the Portuguese Public Media Service RTP, is the keynote speaker in the opening session at Radiodays Europe (RDE) 2021, which will take place in Lisbon from October 9 to 11.

Santos is a former journalist with an experience of over 40 years, specialising in Economics. He is also the co-founder of two newspapers , the weekly  ‘Semanário Económico’ and the daily ‘Diário Económico’. Nicolau worked for almost two decades at the major Portuguese Weekly Newsaper, ‘Expresso’, where he served as Deputy Director. He co-hosted the weekly TV Show ‘Expresso da Meia Noite’ at SIC Notícias.

During his career, Santos was also Director of the daily ‘Público‘ newspaper, working with the ANOP News Agency and several other newspapers, magazines and radio stations such as TSF and RTP Antena 1.

In 2018 was named Chairman and CEO of Lusa – the Portuguese News Agency. Since June 1, 2021, he has been the President of RTP.

RDE 2021 will be a live in-person event, but it will also be available virtually, on-line.

If you registered for the event in 2020 your ticket is still valid for the event in 2021. It is your choice whether to travel and attend in person or to attend the event virtually.

Register here.