Pajhwok Afghan News agency turns 20

Pajhwok Afghan News agency celebrated its 20th anniversary last week at its headquarters in Kabul.

Pajhwok was founded in 2003 and is Afghanistan’s largest independent news agency with eight regional bureaus and a wide network of reporters all over the country

In addition to 24-hour general news reporting, it also publishes special investigative reports about important topics relating to Afghanistan, including political corruption

Pajhwok founder and editor-in-chief Danish Karokhel thanked Pajhwok followers and readers for supporting the agency, saying this support enabled the organization to complete its 20-year journey successfully.

“We once again renew our promise with the people that we will present the real picture of the events and our country and convey the voice of our suffering people to the authorities and the world with full trust.”

Abdul Qadir Munsef, responsible for managing the agency, told a ceremony marking 20th anniversary of the outlet that Pajhwok completed its 20-year journey with full professionalism. He said during this period Pajhwok remained committed to religious and cultural values, national interests and journalistic principles.

He asked Pajhwok employees to further strengthen their resolve in this way, consider the mentioned values and principles and convey the facts to the people and the voice of the people to the government and officials with full accuracy, impartiality and trustworthiness.

Independent Journalists’ Union head Hujjatullah Mujaddadi said Pajhwok carried out its activities in the past 20 years with impartiality and observing all principles of journalism.

He said despite ups and downs during this period, Pajhwok’s leadership and workers refused to bow down to pressure from any side and continued their work in a professional manner.

Committee for Protection of Journalists head Abdul Qadim Ghaus said Pajhwok indeed was the first and only private news agency that started its work in a standard and professional manner and covered news to its readers from different regions of the country.

“In the history of Afghanistan’s media, Pajhwok emerged the only private news agency that worked on what the people needed and what the society of Afghanistan needed and continues its professional work until today.”

Hundreds of Pajhwok followers and readers also commented through posts published on its 20th anniversary and praised the agency.

Mohammad Nasim Shakir wrote: “Pajhwok is one of the best standard and professional news agencies in Afghanistan… the only neutral media for raising the voice of Afghans.”

He said journalists who gave priority to the voice of the people and exposed the powerful and usurpers and officials for the sake of national interests. The agency reported inhuman actions.”

Hamtullah Mohmand wrote: “Congratulations. Pajhwok is a reliable address in Afghanistan, which works mostly in the research field.”

Sarwar Khairy wrote: “I congratulate the Pajhwok family on their 20th anniversary. Pajhwok brought about a revolution in the media of Afghanistan 20 years ago and it was able to report with full impartiality and journalistic principles. I wish more success to Pajhwok.”