RDE 24: AI for media flexibility and better accessibility

AI is a big theme of RadioDays Europe 2024 with Max Brandl from Bayerischer Rundfunk demonstrating a targeted and localised news service delivery option that is being trialed in Germany.

This backend technology, using geolocation information, allows people to be able to select the suburb they live or work in, with the Remix Regional metadata then creating a circle around that area you have personally targeted of a size you determine, lets say a radius of 20 kilometres, as you can see in the image.

What this AI summariser does is break down audio news bulletins into individual stories taking key words, in this instance relevant to location. A person can then get five stories that are specifically targeted to where they are. They can set the age of the stories, and this information is kept and reapplied the next time the person seeks their local stories.

This summariser doesn’t have to be geolocation based. The metadata could be set to political key words, names of people or industries, sports and so on. It allows for current news, on topics of interest, targeted to the individual, who can change the subject or location as they wish.