Afghanistan: Radio Nasim director sentenced to one year in prison

The Afghanistan Journalists Center (AFJC) announced that Sultan Ali Jawadi, the director of Radio Nasim in central Daikundi province, has been sentenced to one year in prison by the Taliban’s primary court.

While Taliban officials have not commented on the verdict, sources told AFJC that Jawadi was found guilty of “propaganda against the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan” and “espionage for foreign countries.

Earlier on September 27, Jawadi, along with Saifullah Rezaei and Mojtaba Qasemi, two reporters of Radio Nasim, received summons from the Daikundi intelligence office, and the station was forcibly closed on charges relating to the reiteration of Radio Azadi (RFE/RL’s) programs and propagating against the Taliban government. Subsequently, Jawadi, Rezaei and Qasemi were interrogated for several hours.

On October 7, the three were re-arrested. Qasemi was detained for 6 days, Rezaei for 11 days, and Jawadi for 17 days.

AFJC denounced the sentencing as unfair and unacceptable due to the absence of a defense lawyer during the trial process, resulting in an unclear proceeding, demanding a thorough review of the case, immediate and unconditional release of the journalist, dismissal of the charges against him, and the reopening of Radio Nasim.

“Taliban authorities must immediately and unconditionally release Radio Nasim director Sultan Ali Jawadi and stop detaining Afghan journalists and media workers,” said Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) Asia Program Coordinator Beh Lih Yi. “This is a grave injustice. Jawadi’s conviction on vague charges during shoddy legal proceedings shows how the Taliban’s sweeping measures against journalists are impeding even basic newsgathering.”

Photo: AFJC