FCC Delays LPFM Filing Window

The FCC has announced it will delay the upcoming LPFM filing window from November 1 to December 6.

The filing period will not run from 12:01am Eastern on December 6 through 6:00pm Eastern on December 13 in order to facilitate greater participation and accommodate other regulatory deadlines. The ongoing freeze on existing LPFM and translator modifications will remain in effect until the end of the window on December 13.

On July 31, 2023, the Media Bureau (Bureau) announced a filing window for applications for low power FM (LPFM) new station construction permits.

The filing window is scheduled to open on Wednesday, November 1, 2023, and close on November 8, 2023. In conjunction with the filing window, the Bureau
implemented a filing freeze on LPFM and FM translator station minor modification applications from September 1, 2023, through the close of the LPFM filing window. On October 12, 2023, a group of low power FM advocates requested a delay in the dates for the LPFM filing window in order to facilitate greater participation and accommodate other regulatory deadlines.

Although it is the Commission’s general policy that extensions of time shall not be routinely granted, we find that it would serve the public interest to delay the LPFM filing window by several weeks to afford interested parties sufficient time to prepare applications for new construction permits for this important service.

Based on the forgoing, the Bureau grants the request to delay the LPFM filing window. The window will now open at 12:01 am EST on December 6, 2023, and close at 6:00 pm EST on December 13, 2023. Applications must be filed between December 6, 2023, and December 13, 2023. The filing deadline will be strictly enforced. Applications submitted before December 6, 2023, or after the 6:00 pm EST December 13, 2023, application deadline will be dismissed by public notice without further consideration.

In addition, the existing freeze on LPFM and FM translator minor modification applications is extended until the close of the window on December 13, 2023.

The Bureau also notes the “snap shot” date for establishing points and comparing applications will match the revised LPFM window filing deadline of December 13, 2023. All of the remaining instructions and procedures included in the July Public Notice remain applicable to the LPFM filing window.