Fred Toucher Takes Medical Leave Of Absence From 98.5 The Sports Hub

Toucher & Rich 98.5 The Sports Hub WBZ-FMFred Toucher is taking a leave of absence from the regionally syndicated “Toucher & Rich” show based at Beasley Media’s “98.5 The Sports Hub” WBZ-FM Boston as he prepares to undergo surgery for throat issues.

Toucher has had throat issues for several months and met with a doctor that he was put in touch with via a listener last week. After previous doctors dismissed his concerns, this doctor found issues that needed to be operated on and ordered Toucher to not talk at all in the interim.

Toucher and co-host Rich Shertenlieb have been heard in Boston since 2006 first in afternoons at Rock 104.1 WBCN and then moved to mornings in 2008. In August 2009, the duo were moved to newly launched “98.5 The Sports Hub” and then entered regional syndication in New England in October 2021. Prior to coming to Boston, the duo worked together at Alternative “99X” WNNX Atlanta.

Shertenlieb read the following statement from Toucher on the show this morning.

Hello all.

I don’t know when Rich is going to read this but the chances of me being awake are almost non-existent. That’s right I’m still sleeping and as for now still getting paid! Just like my uncle who I marveled at as he would be drinking beer and watching the Mets at 2 pm on a Wednesday in his underwear, I am on workman’s comp! Unlike my uncle I do not have to keep peering through the window to make sure an insurance agent was waiting to bust me.

Anyways, My voice has been messed up for a long time. I had been going to doctors and they didn’t seem overly concerned. However, a listener heard me and put me in touch with a doctor he works with. I went and things didn’t go great. He found some things in my throat that concerned him. He told me not to worry because he could fix all of it. Not to sound dramatic but it is possible a listener saved my life by setting up that appointment. To that, I am grateful, even though the doctor doesn’t take insurance. Between this and my divorce, I’m fucked financially! Sorry kids – Christmas is going to look a lot different this year.

If you stick around long enough there are going to be tough times. Rich has had them, guys behind the scenes have had them and here I go again with mine. It has been my pleasure to share my journey over the last 17 years with you guys. I knew that if I let you in on enough of my crap it would pay off one day.

I will be back. That is for sure. In the meantime, your mornings are going to be a little happier and less fat. I’m going to write a bunch of stuff for the website. So you will know what’s up with me if you choose to care.

Talk soon,
