Increase duration of ads on Community Radio Stations, says TRAI

The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) has released recommendations on issues related to community radio stations (CRS).

In India, community radio stations have been flagging a number of issues that restrict their market growth and expansion. In November 2022, the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting had requested the authority to provide its recommendations on:

  • Inclusion of not-for-profit companies, registered under Section 8 of Companies Act 2013, in the list of eligible organizations
  • Increasing of permission period from existing period of 5 years to 10 years
  • Maximum duration of advertisement per hour of broadcast on CRS
  • Number of CR Stations operated in each district of operation by Not-for-profit organizations, operating in multiple districts

After considering all comments/counter-comments received from stakeholders during consultation process and further analysis of the issues, the authority has finalised its recommendations.

It said that Non-for-profit companies established under Section 8 of Companies Act 2013 are already covered in the extant eligibility criteria for CRS. It also reiterated its recommendations regarding disqualification of religious bodies from owning broadcasting channels.

It said that the initial period of permission should be increased from five years to ten years, at a time.

Present policy guidelines for extension or renewal of CRS license are adequate and should continue to be the same.

It recommended that the duration of advertisement on a CRS should be increased from seven minutes per hour to twelve minutes per hour.

Not-for-profit organizations, operating in multiple districts, should be allowed to set up multiple CRS in their area of operation. An organisation should be allowed to set up a maximum of six CRS throughout the country. An organisation seeking to set up multiple stations should submit an undertaking confirming that the programs will be prepared locally and not sent from other CRS.

MIB may actively pursue with Central and State Governments to sponsor more programmes on CRS for helping CRS in their sustainability. All the universities of Central or State Governments may be provided budgetary support to establish and operate Community Radio Stations.

All the processes for granting CRS should be made online through a single window system. SACFA (Standing Advisory Committee on Radio Frequency Allocation) clearance should be granted within one month of application and the grant of WOL (wireless operating license) license should also have a prescribed period preferably within one month of application.