Investment in Multicultural Diversity pays off #RDE23

In a session this morning at RadioDays Europe, Iram Ansari, Diversity Advisor and Manager of Multicultural diversity at Norway’s National broadcaster NRK, outlined the project she administers, called Talent Group NRK FleRe.

The project has successfully increased the multicultural competence in the workforce and diversity in stories reported at NRK. The success of the 10 month program is measured by the number of graduates who are employed, 50% at NRK and a further 30% in commercial stations. Because of the initiative, the national and commercial sectors are reflecting more multicultural stories.

From 290 applicants the last in-take of 10 program participants were selected, all possessing the multicultural competencies of language skills, perspective on society, access to new networks that are otherwise not inthe broadcasters’ usual contact list.

Ansari, whose family is from Pakistan, was a former graduate of this program and used her skills in Urdu and cultural knowledge during the terrorist attack in Pakistan, August 2019. She was the only journalist who got access to report on the attack, one week ahead of other journalists. She was also able to secure an exclusive interview with the hero who held down the attacker for half an hour until the police arrived.

Her language and cultural background also allowed her access to former Pakistan President Imran Khan and a number of other major stories.

“Multicultural competence is needed in the workforce to maintain diversity in stories,” said Ansari.

A tip for all journalists is to keep a well organised list of contacts of multicultural experts in their fields and offer them media training to increase their effectiveness as a source.